2017年12月29日 星期五



打招呼 Greeting
圓括號 ( ) 中的內容可省
Case 1最普遍的情況
1. A: 你好嗎?How are you (doing)?
2, B: 幾好。你呢? Fine. And you?
3. A: 唔錯。Not bad.
除了答Fine之外還可用Couldn’t be better 極好,Great非常好,Pretty good很好, Fairly good相當好,Not bad唔錯,So-so普通。
Case 2 一方有病
1. A: 你好嗎How are you?
2. B: 我唔舒服 I don't feel well/I am not well.
3. A: 有什麼唔妥What's wrong with you?
4. B: 我傷風I have a cold / 頭痛headache / 胃痛stomachache / 我月經到I am having my (monthly) period.
5. A: 有無睇醫生Have you seen a doctor?
6. B: 兩個選擇a是未b是睇咗
a. 未,等陣去。(No, I have) not (seen any doctor) yet. I will go later.
b. 睇了,醫生幫我打了一針和開了些藥,家陣我屁股還有點痛Yes, I have. The doctor gave me a shot and some medicines. My hip still hurts.
7. A: 保重身體 I hope you will get well soon.
8. B: 多謝關心。我趕時間呀,遲下傾。再見 Thank you. I have to run. Talk to you later. Bye!
9. A: 再見Bye!__________________________________________________

