中文 | 英文 |
繼的關係 | 前加 step |
姻親關係 | 後加 in-law |
契/結拜關係 | 前加 sworn |
收養關係 | 前加adopted |
教會的關係 | 前加 god |
祖父,祖母輩 grandparents | |
[(外)曾祖父的父親] (外)高祖父,母 | great-great grandfather/grandmother |
[(外)祖父,母的父親] (外)曾祖父,母,/太爺, 太嫲, 太公, 太婆, | great grandfather/grandmother |
[(外)祖父,母的兄弟姐妹] 叔(伯)公, 叔(伯)婆,舅(姨)公,舅(姨)婆 | great uncle/aunt |
(外)祖父,母/阿爺, 阿嫲, 阿公/姥爺, 阿婆/姥姥 | grandfather/grandmother |
父母輩 parents | |
父親 | father |
母親 | mother |
叔父,姑丈, 伯父, 舅(姨)父 | uncle |
嬸嬸, 姑母, 伯母(娘), , 舅(姨)母 | aunt |
外父, 老爺 | father-in-law |
外母, 奶奶 | mother-in-law |
繼/後父 | step-father |
繼/後母 | step-mother |
朋友的父親 | uncle |
朋友的母親 | aunt |
契爺, 契媽 | sworn father/sworn mother |
教父, 養父或母 | godfather, foster father/mother |
同輩 siblings & cousins | |
兄弟 | brother |
姐妹 | sister |
姐夫, 妹夫,兄/弟夫 | brother-in-law |
嫂 | sister-in-law |
表/堂兄弟, 姐妹 | cousin |
同父異母/同母異父兄弟 | half-brother |
同父異母/同母異父姐妹 | half-sister |
繼兄弟 | step-brother |
繼姐妹 | step-sister |
兒女輩 son & daughter | |
兒子 | son |
女兒 | daughter |
外甥/侄兒 | nephew |
外甥女/侄女 | niece |
兒媳 | daughter-in-law |
女婿 | son-in-law |
契仔, 契女 | sworn son / daughter |
教子 | godson |
孫輩 grandchildren | |
(外)孫子,女 | grandson/granddaughter |
(外)曾孫子,女 | great-grandson/granddaughter |
(外)玄孫子, 女 | great-great grandson/granddaughter |
哥 elder/older brother,大哥 eldest/oldest brother (注:older及oldest是美式英語)
弟/細佬 younger/little brother,老么 yougest brother
親戚 relative
我是家裡六兄弟組妹的老二。I am the second oldest of six children.(children可省)____________________________________________