2021年6月24日 星期四

三隻小豬英文故事的用字解畫 No, no, by the hair of my chiny chin chin


 “No, no, by the hair of my chiny chin chin.”




...she sent her three little pigs out to seek their fortunes. 

straw 指稻草,另一義是"飲管",而tube管,一般指水管、喉管、試管,或"一支"牙膏、洗面奶類的軟管狀用品,如 a tube of toothpaste。Youtube的tube取義自顯像管之義,留意You為重音音節。

came along a wolf:故事中多處用到倒裝句,順序為a wolf came along狼來到或出現。

Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in.” : huff and puff 是慣用語,解"喘大氣"、"反對、抱怨",故事中有"用力、憤怒地吹"之義。blow your house in較少見,直譯是吹到屋入,即吹破,較常見的是blow the house down,吹倒、吹塌。

So he huffed, and he puffed, and he puffed, and he huffed,和大多數故事一樣,用過去時陳述,只在對話中用現在時。這是狼向第2間屋猛吹時的描述,因用比干草更牢的植物如shrub,furze或stick等搭建,所以重覆了 huffed 和 puffed,以示較第1間堅固,第3間屋時,又加了一次。

turnips 無菁,網上一堆介turnip, radish, carrot區別的文章或答疑。

Oh, at six o’clock.” 在日常英語教學中常只教基本句子構成,實應多聯繫實際,如此類對話中的對答,只需句子成分的一種即可。

The little pig said: “Ready! I have been and come back again, and got a nice potful for dinner.”故事中隨處可見用and連成長句或陳述多句動作,英語日常對話也如此,而非then。

bustled up /ˈbʌs.əl/ 匆忙地做

Well, the little pig bustled up the next morning at four o’clock, and went off for the apples, hoping to get back before the wolf came...: 此句用and、;等將一句寫成一段,當中用 Ving (hoping)現在分詞短語,代替表達原因的because he...。

And he threw it so far, that, while the wolf was gone to pick it up, the little pig jumped down and ran home. 這句用and... so ... that連。可見and的多功能。

butter-churn 牛油桶

Then the wolf was very angry indeed, and declared he would eat up the little pig, and that he would get down the chimney after him: and that 即 and declared that...,又是and連。

in fell the wolf: 倒裝 = the wold fell in

 in an instant = quickly


