2018年3月13日 星期二

可作英文主語的成分- 更正留言練習


People learning from others’ behaviors, for a long time, will form atmospheres, norms or cultures will be formed. Although only a few people (e.g. 15% in the experiment) are consistent givers, their good examples make win-win situation possible. So, don’t hesitate to give me lai see (red envelope) next year, or point out my mistakes in this messages.

首句中 S + Ving + Prep. + O 是省略句(省自As people learn from…) 只能作從屬子句,不能作主語,於是後半句的原賓語 "氛圍、規範、文化"轉為主語。第三句的 lai see是廣州話音譯,添個英文註似較妥。


1. Learning from others’ behaviors, for a long time, people will create atmospheres, norms or cultures.

2. That people learn from others’ behaviors for a long time will form atmospheres, norms or cultures.

3. People learn from others’ behaviors for a long time, which will create atmospheres, norms or cultures.


Noun (phrase) or pronoun or  the + adjective
The large car stopped outside our house.
The young is energetic.
gerund (phrase)
His constant hammering was annoying.
to-infinitive (phrase)
To read is easier than to write.
A full that-clause
That he had traveled the world was known to everyone.
A free relative clause
Whatever he did was always of interest.
A direct quotation
I love you is often heard these days.
Zero (but implied) subject
Take out the trash!
It is raining.
cataphoric it
It was known by everyone that he had traveled the world.
上表來源 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subject_(grammar)

另,On the top is my cup 是倒裝句。

