2017年11月28日 星期二

短評:(看法說法)創導優質教育 / 李悌華

梁實秋……在《想我的母親》裏的一段表述: “北方的冬天冷,屋裏雖然有火爐,睡時還是涼似鐵……母親每晚看到我們鑽進了被窩吱吱喳喳的小語不停,便走過去把油燈吹熄,然後給我們一個個的把脖子後面的棉被塞緊,被窩立刻暖和起來,不知不覺就睡着了。我至今想起來還是快樂的,可是那個感受不可復得了。”

     ……君不聞深深的嘆息聲:“現在的孩子不會‘感恩’!” ……中國父母對子女任何時候任何境況下都是:“……上天入地也恨不得把自己擁有的一切施予子女……滿足子女的需求。” ……而中國子女一般是全盤地“受”,通俗說叫“通吃”,其孝心安在?……風燭殘年無人贍養,爲爭片瓦,被逐戶外,甚至被迫走上見死無人救的不歸路。……舉例說,某學生得到了某種幫助……“看啊,這孩子連‘感恩’說‘謝謝’都不會。”愚以爲……有一種答案不可排除:受惠學生真的不是不會,而是“不懂”“受惠”與“謝謝”的關係,或某種因素影響了他答題的心態。……梁實秋弟兄這幫孩子面對“母愛”,沒有說一個“謝”字,而是以“感到‘被窩立刻暖和起來,不知不覺就睡着了’”回報母愛,多麼簡單,但很深情!我想,這應該就是我們創導的優質教育。

The writer excerpts a paragraph of Liang Shih-chiu’s(梁實秋) work “Missing my mother”《想我的母親》to support the gist of the article – to initiate quality education. However, the excerpt focuses on the mother’s love rather than showing the children’s return. 

The children fell asleep rapidly after their mother tightly tucked the quilt behind the back of their necks. They did so not because they wanted to repay her mother, but because the warm made them feel comfortable, which was a natural reaction similar to children quickly eating tasty food made by their parent. I don’t understand why the writer linked this paragraph with quality education, unless that is about writing skill, not gratitude. 

Given the content of the whole article, the author failed to introduce a proper example to prove his/her argument. I would suggest the author discuss on  practical housework training in accordance with kids’ abilities and ages.

