2017年12月29日 星期五

趣怪動物學英文三 + 冠詞分析


The Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) is a domesticated species of South American camelid developed from the wild alpacas. It resembles a sheep in appearance, but is larger and has a long erect neck as well as coming in many colors, whereas sheep are generally bred to be white and black. 羊駝(學名Vicugna pacos)屬駱駝科,由南美洲野羊駝馴化成家畜。外表象羊,但體型較大,有長而直的頸和多種毛色,而一般羊的顏色非白即黑。

Alpacas are kept in herds that graze on the level heights of the Andes of Ecuador, southern Peru, northern Bolivia, and northern Chile at an altitude of 3500 to 5000 meters above sea-level, throughout the year.

Alpacas are considerably smaller than llamas, and unlike them are not used as beasts of burden but are valued only for their fiber. Alpacas only have fleece fibers, not woolen fibers, used for making knitted and woven items much as sheeps wool is. These items include blankets, sweaters, hats, gloves, scarves, a wide variety of textiles and ponchos in South America, and sweaters, socks and coats in other parts of the world. The fiber comes in more than 52 natural colors as classified in Peru, 12 as classified in Australia and 22 as classified in America.
羊駝體型比美洲駝(無峰駝)小得多,不用於運載重物,價值在於駝毛。羊駝的毛(have fleece fibers, not woolen fibers只有羊毛狀纖維,而無羊毛纖維??知道怎譯的朋友請幫幫手。)如羊毛般用於編織,製成毛毯、毛線衣、襪、帽、手套、頸巾、南美的披風式外套,以及世界各地的織品。羊駝毛纖維天然的顏色在秘魯分成52色,在澳洲分12色,在美國則分為22色。

冠詞 Article:
冠詞分定冠詞the 和不定冠詞 a, an。

不可數名詞前不能用a, an除非中間加了量詞(如a piece of news) 或轉化成“個別單位”(如a coffee一杯咖啡, a sugar一粒糖)或轉化為“一種類型”( a jam from Macao一種澳門產的果醬, a local tea一種本地茶。此點延伸出 teas, jams表示幾種茶、果醬)。

可數名詞用the, a, an視情況。一般規則是第一次提及用a, an,其後用the;在特定場合、語境中已知的用the,如在房內聊天,行文中第一次提到房內的床就用 the bed。

另外,曾提到的事物(返指),不一定僅加 the,如 the dog。英文喜歡換詞代之,第一次 a dog 後面改為 it,再接著用 the animal,以求多變化,不重覆。重點是表達要清晰,不要讓讀者墮入雲霧。當寫幾件事物時,或同一事物再出現時相隔太遠,寧願重覆,如John and Tom...後面用 He的話,怎知你說誰,不及用John清楚。

近期看過一篇學術文章竟有 He told him... 描述兩人的對話,我只能嘆句真的"好學術"。英文這種換詞表達與中文的習慣很不同,再如中文同一篇文中不會以"陳生"、"陳博士"、"專家"等多個稱呼指同一人,但英文卻會。

本篇及前兩篇“趣怪動物學英文”,文首的基本介紹均用The + noun結構,其後則改用 noun(s)。這是類指的用法。

在類指方面,不可數名詞不加冠詞。而可數名詞可選三種搭配a + noun/the + noun/noun(s),一般文法書說三者相同,而實際上有些微差異。
第一種a+noun較多見於詞典的解說,但不用於說明一種動物、事物或人物所處的地點或存在情況(如不能說An Alpaca lives in South America,應說 The Alpaca lives...或 Alpacas live)。
第三種nouns可代替前兩種,只是後接的詞要相應改眾數形式,例,Alpacas are a domesticated species...。


